Thursday, November 23, 2017

Why Do I Keep Seeing Numbers?

What's up with seeing numbers everywhere? Is it just me? Have you been seeing "Like" numbers too? Example: 111, 11:11, 1:11, 222, 3:33, etc. And so on?!? Well let's talk about it! 

Hey guys! What's up? This is a post that has been sitting in my drafts for a while. Didn't know how people would take my point of view on this subject. Then decided, *u*k it! Just go for it. Put yourself out there. Who cares if you get laughed at. lol It is time to be for real, be authentic, BE YOU! Not saying I haven't been in past posts, but I have "reigned in" my personality a little. Anyways :
This is a snapshot of my instagram acct. 

If you are new to my blog, I am big time into researching The Law of Attraction. I think about it all the time. I wonder how our universe works, what is out there that we can't see? The Law of Attraction to me makes sense. To some, it's a load of crap! lol  So.. Let's dive into it shall we?

I am a part of a lot of "LOA/Manifesting" groups on Facebook. As well as reading everything that I can get my hands on LOA, manifesting, gratitude, etc.  The girls in my groups tell me that if you are seeing numbers constantly, then yes it does mean something. It means you are in alignment with your manifestation, it could be your "Angel Numbers", etc.  "Angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers" Taken from Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers blog post  HERE. (  If you are interested in learning more about Angel Numbers, etc. I highly suggest checking out that blog by Joanne Walmsley.  It has some awesome information on this subject! 

 I don't plan on it happening to me, I don't sit there and watch the clock, so I can say "Look 333 or 444."  Ya know? IT JUST HAPPENS!

 You can ask my bf.. I drive him crazy with it. He thinks I'm nuts already anyways because I believe in LOA. But what he doesn't get, at least I don't think he gets, is that just because I believe in LOA does not change my faith in God.

In fact, it makes me understand more about my faith than ever before! It has strengthened my faith big time- because it makes more sense to me now.  Funny thing happened while I was writing this post. My bf looked at the clock and guess what time it was? Yep, 3:33... ha/ha!! So now he's doing it.. That was too funny.. (maybe i'm rubbin' off on him!) lol

Anyways, back to numbers. I can just be sitting here typing out a blog post, happen to look up & BAM ; clock says 333.. It happens to me at least 5-6 times a day. I see it on the clock, I have gotten crazy amounts on my receipts, my odometer, on my phone etc. Just everywhere. It has to mean something. Here lately, I have been trying to snap pics as soon as it happens, that way I have proof!! Here are some pics of just some of the things that I have been seeing.. Check it out!


I know a lot of people that have started using LOA more intentionally, say that yes, they see numbers too..

So if you are seeing numbers like me, don't be freaked out (well try not to be as it keeps happening more and more) In my honest opinion, I think it means that you are just on the right path.. 
That you are in alignment with the universe. And that what you are trying to manifest is coming to you, so keep on trusting in the Lord/Source/Universe!!!!

I feel that as a human race we are getting in touch more & more with our Spirituality. Not religion, our spirit! Our souls! And I think it's wonderful!

This generation of young folks is growing up knowing that their job does not define who they are. That they are more than just 9-5ers chucking out a living every day. I love the fact that more & more people are trying to find their passion/purpose in life! And to make a living doing what fills them up! Such a wonderful thing to see.

So, do you see numbers? What do you think it means? Do you think I'm totally taking this whole thing out of context? Or do you think there is more than meets the eye?

I think there is more to our world than what we can see. There is more to us than just our physical bodies & our minds. There is that voice inside us that tells us right from wrong. There is that yearning deep down in our soul to do more with our lives. To see more! To be more!

As I learn more about ME, the spiritual side of me, it is opening my eyes like never before. Taking me on an awakening that I think is not coincidental. I think it's just MY TIME for MY EYES to be opened! I am exploring this aspect of ME. And I hope those that are one this journey will connect with me and let me know what you have learned as you delve deeper & deeper into this realm.

I would love to hear from you. Or your take on "seeing numbers or signs" from the universe.
Let me know what you think. Leave me a comment. Find me on social media, etc.

Let's connect!

As Always,



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