Sunday, December 30, 2018

How To Upgrade Your Life A Little At A Time

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I have blogged over here on Blogger. But I thought since I was still getting traffic over here on this blog, that I would still use it to get my Law of Attraction message out there.
Thanks for stopping by the blog. If you don't know who I am, my name is Amy & I am the blogger behind Third Shift Living & I Heart LOA.

Today's post is how to upgrade your life a little at a time.

Why would you want to upgrade your life?

What is the point behind it? Well when you can start to upgrade little things in your life, it helps to start changing your mindset. And helps you to normalize using the more expensive brands or things. This tells your subconscious mind that it is normal for you to have abundance in your life. It makes it comfortable for you to have these things. And it calms the ego down when it goes into flight or fight mode. 

How did I hear about this process?

I first heard about doing this from a book called "Get Rich Lucky Bitch" by Denise Duffield Thomas. I bought the book and have it loaded up on my Kindle. And it truly does help you to see how this would change your mindset to an abundant mindset. 

You can find the book Get Rich Lucky Bitch Release Your Money Blocks And Live A First Class Life. It's truly an awesome book and has really helped me see that I don't have to upgrade everything at one time. I can upgrade things here and there! 

What are some things that you can upgrade in your life to help you start feeling abundant?

  • you can change your coffee to the more expensive, richer tasting coffee
  • you can start adding to your makeup by buying the more expensive brand
  • splurge on a really nice dinner out once a week
  • go stay in a nice hotel every now and then
  • upgrade your underwear
  • buy the more expensive organic food
Just little things here and there will truly help you get into the feeling of abundance. And soon it will feel normal to you to have these nice things. 

I have created a printable pdf that goes along with a post similar to this one on and you can find it by clicking  This Month I Am Upgrading (click me)

I hope this has helped you. If it has please feel free to share this post out. Sharing is caring. And I would really appreciate it! 

What are some things that you are going to start upgrading in your life? I have already started with the coffee. And we have been taking vacation more and eating out. If you would like to read the post that I wrote that tells all the things that I have upgraded in my life in 2018 you can find it by clicking This Link. 

I hope you have an amazing day! And till next time.

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