Showing posts with label third shift living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label third shift living. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2016

You Are Never Too Old To Start Over

Hey guys! I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.. Today's post is about "Do-Over's".. YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD OR TOO YOUNG TO START OVER.. Wherever you are in your life.. Stop & reflect... Are you happy? Are you at peace with who you are??

I don't know if it's where I am getting older (41) or what it is about this stage in my life, but I have been thinking about LIFE lately.. About my health, my well-being, and just my overall peace within myself..

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

5 Pros & Cons To Working Third Shift (Graveyard)

5 Pro's and Con's to working third shift also known as the GRAVEYARD shift... For some people working third shift is not an option.. But for me it just works.. I am a night owl.. Although I have tried and tried to be a morning person, my inner time clock isn't gonna have it..

I know, I know most people that I deal with on a daily basis cannot stand the thought of having to work third shift.. But for me, I just fit in I guess.. I have never been a morning person.. Even though I have tried many times to make myself a morning person.. It's just not gonna happen. It even ruined a marriage..

Friday, March 4, 2016

My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers

My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers.. Hey guys.. I have been trying to come up with a new routine for me, since I work third shift, to help get and KEEP my house clean and organized!! I am sick of looking at this mess.. And it is TIME to get this under control..

I have let things pile up for way too long.. I hate looking around me or even going into another room of my house, except for my bedroom where it stays somewhat organized.. I can sit here and tell you all day long all of my list of excuses for the shape that my home has gotten into, I know a lot of it has to do with working 12 hour shifts..

 Most of the time I am so tired after working, that I just want to go straight to the bed and forget everything until time to go back to work.. But all excuses aside.. I am a PROCRASTINATOR!!! As much as I love planners, and the thought of organizing, and time management stuff.. My main hurdle is procrastination.. And I WILL learn to START DOING, instead of just making plans to do.. While I am sitting here making plans, I could have had so much DONE ALREADY!!!.. Have you ever felt like that or been in that situation?

Well, let's get out of this procrastination mode, and get our LIVES and HOMES organized!! Shall we? 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Life Of a Third Shift Worker

Hello all.. It's been a few days since I have posted.. Sorry about that.. I have been off the last two days.. I am trying to catch up before I have to go back to work tomorrow..

Working this shift is very tiring. The first day I am off, all I want to do is sleep seems like.. I get off at 6am.. so I try to come straight home and go to sleep but it never happens.. it usually takes me about an hour to unwind from work.. Then once I do go to sleep I sleep forever.. I am so lethargic when I do wake up that I don't feel like doing anything.. so that first day off I literally do NOTHING.. except veg out, lay around, eat, and just feel like a zombie..

Today is my 2nd day off.. And of course last night I was wide awake from 3am on.. So now it's 2pm and I still haven't accomplished anything.. I have got to get in some kind of routine.. this is like a total life-suck..

I know, I know, enough whining and just do something about it.. I am really going to work on it.. my to-do list is so huge.. urgh!! but I will get some kind of something done today if it's just getting my uniforms washed up for work tomorrow..

Anybody out there work 3rd shift like I do? And if you do, how many hours do you work a night.. I work 12.. it's really starting to bring me down too.. I have been doing online searches for ways to make extra money from home.. but are there really any legit ways to make extra?

That would be nice, because what I am getting paid right now just isn't cutting it.. I need something part time to go with my full time to get ahead.. that's bad.. anyways, I will try my best to put up some pics later.. I just really am so dis-organized today.. Thanks for reading.. and hope everybody is having a great day  :)     love, Amy

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rainy Day Wednesday

Well it's another rainy day here in East TN.. Getting ready to head off to work.. Just wanted to drop by and check in.

Me and my gf from work got out last night about 2am and went DD'ing.. Didn't find anything but had fun together. We are gonna keep at it until we find something. I am in a lot of DD groups on Facebook and you should see the pics these people post of their hauls.. I want! I want! lol..

I shipped all my yerdle shipments off on Tuesday. Got an email from Yerdle telling me they had canceled two of my orders because I didn't get my shipments to UPS in time.. Ohh! That made me mad. Anyways, I sent them a nice little email back explaining that yes I did get my orders there on time. And finally when they saw that I had I finally got my points where I "gave" my stuff away. I was starting to get really upset and started to give them negative feedback. But all worked out, so I can and will probably use them again to get rid of unwanted stuff.. Or I am thinking about just posting them on facebook in the online yard sales.. Does anyone ever do that?/ The online yard sales?? I love my tanning bed that I got off of my local online yard sale.. been using it every other day so that I don't get burned.

Anyways, gotta run and get ready for work! Hope everyone is having a great evening!! Hope to hear from you soon..

Take Care!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

'Tis the Season

Lord this weather change has killed me!! Here I go off to work sick as a dog.. Throat sore and coughing my head off... I dread the next 12 hours..

I just wanted to say hi to anybody reading.. I am off the next two days, but have so much to do.. I hopefully can get all my Yerdle Shipments to UPS on time.. I have to find our local UPS store and hope everything goes smooth.. I will let yall know.. The labels that I printed out from Yerdle, well let's just hope they work.. that's all I am going to say... If they don't work like they are supposed to then I will not be using them again..

I will update with pics and let you guys know.. For now I have to jump off here and get ready for work. Wish me luck! I am going to need it tonight.. I hope everything goes ok..

Have a great Sunday out there in cyberland!!


Saturday, October 10, 2015

More Rainy Day Ramblings and Soul Searching

Hi yall! Just thought I would drop by and post a lil note to say HEY!! I am fixin' to get ready for work. I work 6pm-6am as a caregiver at an Assisted Living Facility.. Went to work last night and we had a lot more staff than usual, so I got a "short" night and got to come home at 10pm. That was nice.. But tonight it will be my full 12 hour shift.. But that's ok, I am well rested and ready take on the night!!

I have been doing a lot of researching on blogs, writing, etc. I am trying to find my way in this huge blogosphere and it is tough! I am using this free site to feel my way through and decide if this is something that I really want to commit to or just a hobby! I love to read blogs. There are so many wonderful blogs out there and just about everything you can imagine. And that got me thinking, "what do I have to contribute?". I am just a normal working woman like most people. Nothing about me stands out. I do not have a degree in anything! I am not a writer, although I love to read! Reading has always been a passion of mine. And I have always dreamed of writing books like those I love to read, but I don't have the skills for it!

I never went to college, other than training to get my CNA.. which was just a class! I graduated high school.. then went straight to the workforce. I don't make a lot of money at my job, I call myself "a survivor", because that is basically what I do month to month... SURVIVE!! I pay all my bills and what's left I live off of!!!

So I have to do some deep soul searching and figure out what it is that I want in my life! I am 41yrs old! I want to do something with my life before I die.. I don't want to be famous.. And I don't want to make millions!! I just want to live better than I do right now.. I am grateful to God for providing for me each and every day! I have a roof over my head (a rented roof, but hey still a roof) and food in my belly!! I drive a used car.. That we have to keep maintenance up on constantly, but it gets me to work and back to make that almighty dollar $$$.. So, I cannot complain!! I just know there has to be more to living than what I am doing! And it's time for me to either change or learn new skills to get me the LIFE I want!!! If God will's it, then it will be!!

I guess it's time for some soul searching and some praying that God will lead me and that I will recognize "it" when He does!! God Bless yall! Love to the world on this Rainy Saturday Evening!!