Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Some Cool Organizing Printables

Hey yall.. Long time, no see.. Been busy with work and other things on this end.. Ok I have found some cool printables and blogs that I thought I would share with yall.. I am going to incorporate these in my everyday use and try to get my butt on some kind of routine..

I found these on pinterest.. They are saved in my pins HERE  

If you are in need of a 2016 calendar I would check out  Just A Girl And Her Blog. I printed mine out today, they are so beautiful and colorful.. too bad I didn't have color ink today.. so I had to print mine in grayscale.. but they will still get the job done.. and when I get some more ink, I can always go back and print again if still available.. Here is a pic of mine.. I hope you can see it ok

The next one I printed was from Me and My Big Ideas.. It's a free printable for the Happy Planner that I just ordered and am waiting on.. Another one that is beautiful, but my pic will not do it justice.. You will see what I mean when you go to her blog.. Color really does make it POP... But with that said here is a pic of mine  These are sidebar columns for the Happy Planner.. I'm sure you could use it in any planner...

And the MOTHER of them all was found on Blooming Homestead  She has graciously provided a whole Free Printable Kit to make your own Home Organizational Binder.. There were 28pages in all. My printer started acting up on me so I printed the cover sheet to show you.. But like I said it really doesn't do it justice until you see it in color on HER page.. So def make sure you check out her blog.. I love it.. I wish I was that talented to make my own printables.. one of these days I will.. ok here is the pic of the cover
So very pretty and FREE.. So those are just 3 examples of some of the great blogs that are out there.. That are so generous and offer wonderful products and their valuable tips and tricks to help us all out.. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do..
What are some of your favorite organizing/cleaning blogs that help keep you on track or motivated? Drop me a line in the comments, I am always on the lookout for new blogs to follow...
PS.. I have a ton of free printables on my pinterest page HERE  They are under my board titled "Pretty Printables"  Some of them might be out of date, but there are oodles to see and print that I am sure you will love...
 Ok that is it for now.. I will be following this post with a post showing you some of my cool printables in a binder I created and used last year/year before.. I just found it again.. and it is chock full of awesome articles, printables, you name.. things that I am happily reading and going over again to give me some MOTIVATION!! You know me and the PROCRASTINATOR that I am.. I really am.. I can't wait to get my HAPPY PLANNER and put it to use.. When I get it I will post a pic.. cannot wait.. ok tata for now!!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Life Of a Third Shift Worker

Hello all.. It's been a few days since I have posted.. Sorry about that.. I have been off the last two days.. I am trying to catch up before I have to go back to work tomorrow..

Working this shift is very tiring. The first day I am off, all I want to do is sleep seems like.. I get off at 6am.. so I try to come straight home and go to sleep but it never happens.. it usually takes me about an hour to unwind from work.. Then once I do go to sleep I sleep forever.. I am so lethargic when I do wake up that I don't feel like doing anything.. so that first day off I literally do NOTHING.. except veg out, lay around, eat, and just feel like a zombie..

Today is my 2nd day off.. And of course last night I was wide awake from 3am on.. So now it's 2pm and I still haven't accomplished anything.. I have got to get in some kind of routine.. this is like a total life-suck..

I know, I know, enough whining and just do something about it.. I am really going to work on it.. my to-do list is so huge.. urgh!! but I will get some kind of something done today if it's just getting my uniforms washed up for work tomorrow..

Anybody out there work 3rd shift like I do? And if you do, how many hours do you work a night.. I work 12.. it's really starting to bring me down too.. I have been doing online searches for ways to make extra money from home.. but are there really any legit ways to make extra?

That would be nice, because what I am getting paid right now just isn't cutting it.. I need something part time to go with my full time to get ahead.. that's bad.. anyways, I will try my best to put up some pics later.. I just really am so dis-organized today.. Thanks for reading.. and hope everybody is having a great day  :)     love, Amy

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Free Scarf from Ford (Pretty)thru HSN

Hurry   Go to Freebie Shark and grab you a free very pretty scarf thru HSN compliments of the Ford Company.. I just ordered one for myself. There is no shipping.. You do have to put in your payment info.. I just used an old card that had a couple of dollars on it.. But you do not get charged a dime..

It says will arrive in 3-5 days.. When I get mine I will post a pic.. But if you want yours, you better go as soon as you read this.. I'm sure these will go fast!!!


Thrifting on a Saturday

Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a great day today. It is a beautiful day here in East TN. My boyfriend and I went out thrifting and looking around.. Found a cute little basket and a very nice jewelry box.

Then we went out to eat at KFC had the buffet, it was pretty good.. We got a couple of bags of candy just in case we have Trick-or-Treaters tonight.. Kirk is planning on going and watching the TN game with his buddies.... So I am thinking about tackling this house and getting some organizing done tonight.. I really need to.. Bad!!! I am on my new laptop that Kirk got me.. I have to say I like this one.. It is really fast.. Just have to get used to it..

Oh I got another goodie in the mail today.. I got a sample size Secret Clinical Deodorant.. Wasn't expecting that.. So far from I have received a full size Cover-girl Mascara, a trial size Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner. And now my little Deo.. Do the happy  It's bad when you get happy over freebies in the mail.. But I love getting freebies and samples.. They are out there, ya just have to know where to look!!!

I need to get on the ball with my couponing.. I have a ton of inserts, but right now everything is so dis-organized where I have been working so much lately. That is on my to-do list for tonight also.. That and cleaning the house.. And just trying to get something done around here.. I have slacked off in the cleaning dept.. And it shows.. I won't let anyone come into this house until I get it cleaned back up again.. That is gonna be my major chore for tonight..

So just wanted to say hi.. Might go dumpster diving tonight with my gf too.. Never know.. Take Care and Lot's O' Love sent your way!! Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rainy Day Wednesday

Well it's another rainy day here in East TN.. Getting ready to head off to work.. Just wanted to drop by and check in.

Me and my gf from work got out last night about 2am and went DD'ing.. Didn't find anything but had fun together. We are gonna keep at it until we find something. I am in a lot of DD groups on Facebook and you should see the pics these people post of their hauls.. I want! I want! lol..

I shipped all my yerdle shipments off on Tuesday. Got an email from Yerdle telling me they had canceled two of my orders because I didn't get my shipments to UPS in time.. Ohh! That made me mad. Anyways, I sent them a nice little email back explaining that yes I did get my orders there on time. And finally when they saw that I had I finally got my points where I "gave" my stuff away. I was starting to get really upset and started to give them negative feedback. But all worked out, so I can and will probably use them again to get rid of unwanted stuff.. Or I am thinking about just posting them on facebook in the online yard sales.. Does anyone ever do that?/ The online yard sales?? I love my tanning bed that I got off of my local online yard sale.. been using it every other day so that I don't get burned.

Anyways, gotta run and get ready for work! Hope everyone is having a great evening!! Hope to hear from you soon..

Take Care!