Sunday, October 4, 2015

What I've Been Up To Today

Not too much of anything! lol.. It's been another rainy day here.. I have been off work these last few days. I am glad to have a break from work, but the bad thing about working 3rd shift is, you still stay on that schedule just as if you were at work. Well I do! I guess where I have been working that shift for going on 3 years now. It's kinda got me in the habit.

I hate when I can't sleep at night time. Then I sleep half the day away. Get up in the evening, make me a pot of coffee and then stay up the rest of the night! Sometimes it really makes you feel alienated from other people! Sometimes I feel as though life is passing me right on by. The weeks go by so fast, then months! But I guess that is life! And I am just grateful that I have a job in today's economy. So many people do not! It doesn't pay wonderful, but it does pay. And as long as I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. I am grateful!

Anyways, on to a different subject. I have been trying to clean my email out. It is so overly full! I am afraid that I might miss important emails. So I went back to using  If you haven't heard of it, you should check it out! The main goal of it is to keep up with your subscriptions for you, instead of letting them clog your email. I really like it. Then if you want to check out something you have subscribed to like a blog (and I am sub'd to many blogs) you can just go to and read them there! Leaving your email free for other things! I have two emails. One is for work and home life. The other is for my freebies, surveys, etc. Mainly stuff that I don't have to read at that second!

I also received an email today from letting me know my Filofax has been shipped and I should get it any day now! I can't wait. It's not brand new, it's used.. But that's ok with me. Because I plan on making my own inserts for it anyways. There is no way I can afford to dish out almost $100  for a new one! So used it is. It still has some of the inserts like notes, etc. But I am planning on making my own calendar for it and weekly sheets! There are so many unlimited resources online that I am sure I can find some great printables and print out everything I need! I'm kinda excited about it! I love planners and organizers! I have made plenty of binders for home-management and budgeting, etc. And I have been wanting a Filofax for a long time! And this one will be small enough to take with me wherever I go, instead of a big bulky binder!

What about you?? What have you been up to today?? And do you like planners and other things to help keep you organized?? There are all kinds of good blogs out there that offer free printables.. All I do is either look on Pinterest or just enter free printable pages for (insert word here)..

Well hope you are having a great day out there in the blogosphere!! Thank you for taking the time to visit my humble page! Lots o' love sent your way, from Me!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Rainy Day Ramblings

Well it's a rainy day here in East Tn. Of course it is, it's my day off!! Never fails. I have been sitting here messing around on I am trying to get to 500 SB's so I can get a $5 Amazon gift card. I am almost there with 441 SB's! lol.. 

I have been researching ways to make extra money online. It's sad when you work full time 12 hour shifts and still have to find ways to make extra money just to survive and get the bills paid. Oh how I wish I would have went on to college when I graduated high school!

 I made a lot of unwise choices when I was younger. That is just one of the many! Now I sit here at age 41 researching ways to make extra $$ just to keep afloat. But I take responsibility for my choices in life. And well, life will go on regardless.

What are some of the ways (if any) that you guys make extra money online or find ways to get what you need?? So far I have been doing and I am a part-time Swagbucker! (is that a word?) I do it on and off. I have used it plenty in the past though to get gift cards to buy books that I was interested in on Amazon. Mostly organizing and couponing books!!

Speaking of couponing; last year when I was doing private home health care and making decent money, I built up a stockpile. Not a great big one, mostly just toiletries. Like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, etc. But I am so glad I did because I ended up leaving that job and was out of work for about a month. And that stockpile really came in handy!

After I built up my stockpile, I quit couponing for a while. Well like a year. And now that my stockpile is almost depleted, I am ready to get started again. Even though it's not a way to make "extra money" it is a good way to save on things that you are going to buy anyways! And I love it when you can use your coupons to get free packs of razor's, toothpaste, shampoo, etc!

Sorry this blog post is so long. Thank you for reading this far if you have. And I am new to blogging and know that I am rambling on. But I figured this is the only way to get experience blogging is to just jump in and get started. So I know my posts are far from perfect. But I really enjoy blogging and have been wanting to do it for a very long time. But really never knew what I wanted to blog about. So I am just putting my thoughts out there! And hopefully soon I will find my way!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Organizing/ Cleaning

I used to be so anal about keeping my home clean and organized. Here lately, I don't know if it's where I work so much or what, but I have been letting things go. And now I am getting to where the clutter is starting to really get to me. So, since I need to post some things to Yerdle to give, I figured I might as well jump in there and start organizing my home again.

I will be posting some tips here and there and maybe some pics of my space before/after's to keep my self accountable. I will always list the resources to make sure I give proper credit to where the tip/idea came from.  I don't know about you but I love Pinterest. I get so many good ideas off of that site.  I have this great book that I bought with an Amazon gift card that I received through Swagbucks. It's called "What's a DisOrganized Person To Do?" by Stacey Platt.  It is an awesome resource. I love that book. She gives so many great tips and ideas. And it has plenty of pics of how she organizes different rooms.

Does anyone use Swagbucks to get gift cards?? It used to be easy to get a $5 Amazon Card, but now they have put the SB's up to 500.. It used to be 350 points would get you a $5 gift card. And I would use that toward a coupon or organizing book through Amazon.. Oh well I'm at 400 points right now, working my way toward 500.. Hey, every little bit helps. If I can do that to keep from spending cash, I'm gonna do it!! lol..

Anyways, sorry this post is so long.. Drop me a comment if any of yall use Swagbucks and tell me what you do to get SB's.. right now, I'm just doing like the daily poll, Noso's and the Discover or whatever it's called.. Sometimes i'll do a search and earn and get a few points here and there.. I don't see how some people get as many points as they do.. They really work at it I guess..

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

cool site I just found

Hi guys, I just found this cool site called Yerdle. I guess it has been around for a little while, though I didn't know about it.. (lol) I think I'm behind on everything in life!! lol  So far it seems pretty cool.. You can get rid of stuff around your house that you don't want anymore and "shop" around for things that you do want..

The kicker is it's free.. Well almost. lol.. You don't use cash to pay for the products that you "buy". You use credits. From what I understand the site charges like up to 3-4 bucks. (which is a service charge so they can keep their site up and running)  I ordered a filo-fax for 25 credits. So far it seems pretty cool.. I am getting ready to start gathering up items around my house that I would like to list and take pics of them.  Things I was going to get rid of anyways. I would much rather give it to someone that could use it than to throw it away..

Here is the link if you would like to check it out.   The way I understand it, you get $45 credit for signing up and I get a referral if you order (I get $20 credit and free shipping on my next item)  Hey that's $45 bucks worth of items you don't have to pay for!! Not a bad deal. I am new to the site as well, so maybe we can figure it out together! I think it's kinda like listia, without the bidding!!

Anyways, just found it and thought I would share. I have been scrolling through their site for over an hour now.. They have some cool stuff on there..

P.S.  One of my interests I forgot to mention in my introductory post was that I love getting freebies in the mail.. So whenever I find free samples or anything that seems like a good freebie, I will post on here for you guys to get too!! I have a whole basket dedicated to free samples and stuff.. lol.. I even got a cool free t-shirt in the mail once. And I always get my magazine subscriptions for free!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hi all.. This is my very first blog post to my new blog. I am excited as well as nervous to put myself out there for the world to see, but I am jumping in head first!

A little about me; I live in a small town in East Tennessee (USA) Work full-time, 3rd shift. 12 hour nights! Seems like all I do is work. I am a caregiver at an assisted living facility.. I think I was made for that kind of work, seeing as how I keep coming back to that profession.  I guess I just like taking care of others and giving of my time and energy to help our elderly.

I have slew of interests.. So it's un-telling what you will find when you visit this blog! I love to do DIY's, organizing, crocheting, reading, frugal living, and I love to learn new things.. I am always checking something out on the web that interests me.

I got to thinking as much time as I spend online, why not start my own blog?? I love to check-out other people's blogs. Seems like you can find anything that you want to know about online.

I can't wait to start meeting and making new friends on Blogger! Thanks for stopping by to my lil neck of the woods!! And hopefully as I gain more experience blogging that my posts will be better!! lol.. anyways! Talk to yall soon!!