Friday, March 4, 2016

My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers

My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers.. Hey guys.. I have been trying to come up with a new routine for me, since I work third shift, to help get and KEEP my house clean and organized!! I am sick of looking at this mess.. And it is TIME to get this under control..

I have let things pile up for way too long.. I hate looking around me or even going into another room of my house, except for my bedroom where it stays somewhat organized.. I can sit here and tell you all day long all of my list of excuses for the shape that my home has gotten into, I know a lot of it has to do with working 12 hour shifts..

 Most of the time I am so tired after working, that I just want to go straight to the bed and forget everything until time to go back to work.. But all excuses aside.. I am a PROCRASTINATOR!!! As much as I love planners, and the thought of organizing, and time management stuff.. My main hurdle is procrastination.. And I WILL learn to START DOING, instead of just making plans to do.. While I am sitting here making plans, I could have had so much DONE ALREADY!!!.. Have you ever felt like that or been in that situation?

Well, let's get out of this procrastination mode, and get our LIVES and HOMES organized!! Shall we? 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Review of "The Subtle Beauty (Crowns of the Twelve)" Book 1

*disclaimer; I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review...

Hi guys.. doing something different at Third Shift Living today.. I decided to do a book review for an author that I have never read from before..

Her name is Ann Hunter.. And she has a wonderful ebook at Amazon right now if you would like to check it out.. Here is the link AMAZON.. This ebook is free for kindle.. So go grab it while you can.. I promise you, you will not regret it... My only regret is that I didn't know about it sooner!!!

I am going back to get my copy of "Moonlight" next.. Oh what a magical land I have been in this evening.. Little did I know how that by me opening up that email, that was sent to me for the link to her book, was going to change my whole evening.. Once I started reading this book, I could not STOP!!! When you find books like that, treasure them for they are few and far between!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Free Stickers For My Happy Planner (Links included)

Hey guys! Just wanted to share with you some cute planner stickers that I found.. I printed them out to use in my Happy Planner of course.. I am now the proud owner of two Happy Planners.. One is for personal use.. The other for my Blog..

Here's a few pics of the stickers that I found.. And Thank You Beauty Holics Anonymous for being generous enough to make these for free so that everyone can print them out for their planners.. These are from her blog from last year.. But I actually found them via pinterest.. There are so many creative blogs out there.. And so little time to go thru everything that I want to go thru!!!

Anyways, here are the pics of the stickers that I printed off along with my planner.. And a cute little weekly to do card that I made from scrapbook paper..

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's Giveaway Time! (Gold Dot Happy Planner & Stickers)

Ok guys! It's finally Here... The Happy Planner that I have been patiently waiting to come so that I can give it to one of YOU!!! It is a beautiful Gold Dot Planner and I have included a packet of Gold Foil Stickers for you to get started decorating it..

Giveaway Time!! Here are the details..

This is a product that I bought MYSELF.. I am in no way affiliated with Mambi or Blitzy.. Mambi is the maker of the Happy Planner and Blitzy is the company that I went thru to buy the planner..

So, let's get down to it.. In order to get in on the giveaway you must be subscribed to my blog and "like" my facebook page.. The giveaway will end on Friday 2/26 at midnight eastern standard time..

Here is the link to my facebook page .. While your there you can hit the sign up button and it will bring you back here to my blog to subscribe.. You must comment on my facebook page that you liked and subscribed to my blog in order to be entered in the giveaway!!!

Then on Saturday morning after everyone has entered, I will randomly select a number.. Then I will go to my facebook page and if you are the _?_ number person commented, then you will be the winner!! I hope that makes sense to you!!! There will be a pinned post on my facebook page for you to comment that you have liked Third Shift Living and subscribed to the blog...I will announce the winner on Saturday.. Please be sure to keep up with my facebook page.. I will give the winner 48 hours to contact me with their info.. After that if no one has claimed, I will choose another winner!!
Ok guys!! Good Luck!!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Creating A Vision Board

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Hi guys! Today's post is all about creating a vision board.. One of the main reasons that I felt compelled to create a vision board for myself was I have been self doubting myself lately.. Been feeling so unmotivated.. And needing some major self evaluation and focus!! Have you ever felt like that? Just kinda don't really know what direction your life is headed? Or even what direction that you want it to go? 

Well that is what inspired me to start making a "VISION BOARD".  I have been wanting to take on this project for a while now.. And somehow today just WAS THE DAY!! I really needed this..

Creating a vision board to help you to live your life with INTENTION.. To actively pursue your goals with INTENTION and FOCUS! To bring CLARITY to your LIFE...To listen to your HEART... And to make your DREAMS a REALITY... Basically "What do you want to do with your life?" or "What do you want OUT of LIFE?"