Hi guys! Today's post is about shifting your mindset when you're having a "craptastic" day! And boy have I had plenty of those before. But thanks to the Law of Attraction those days are few & far between..
Have you ever had one of those days that no matter how hard you try, everything it seems just starts going wrong? You keep dropping things, you are running late for work then you get behind a slow-butt driver?? You have 50 million things to do but can't even get one thing done let alone that huge lists of to-do's that is mocking you from the dining room table?
No? Or is that just me? lol.. I always start off (in my mind) thinking ok Amy, let's make out a list of ALL the things you need to get done tomorrow. And you can check them off as you do them.. But then tomorrow comes and BLAH you have no energy or motivation to even make the bed let alone all those lofty goals you have written out in that pretty lil journal you bought just for goal setting.. lol..
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You too?? I'm glad I'm not alone in this..
But ever since I have started studying & intentionally USING The Law of Attraction (LOA) my days are getting better and better.
Instead of crappier and crappier! *remember that loa is going on even if you aren't intentionally using it. Your thoughts are creating & attracting things.. So, wouldn't you much prefer to attract good things into your life instead of crappy things?? Watch your thoughts!
Instead of crappier and crappier! *remember that loa is going on even if you aren't intentionally using it. Your thoughts are creating & attracting things.. So, wouldn't you much prefer to attract good things into your life instead of crappy things?? Watch your thoughts!
Since using LOA intentionally, I have discovered a whole new world.
A world filled with positivity and opportunity. Instead of the world that I used to live in filled with negativity, skepticism, scarcity & struggling! Eff them days! They are behind me.. I refuse to ever live in that world again.
Yes, a lot of outside factors made me have that kind of mindset. And my reactions to those outside factors. But today is a new day. And I for one am so much happier!!!
A world filled with positivity and opportunity. Instead of the world that I used to live in filled with negativity, skepticism, scarcity & struggling! Eff them days! They are behind me.. I refuse to ever live in that world again.
Yes, a lot of outside factors made me have that kind of mindset. And my reactions to those outside factors. But today is a new day. And I for one am so much happier!!!
What happened that made my life change?
I got TIRED. I got SICK & TIRED of living the way that I was living and decided that I wanted more out of life than working my butt off each and every day and still struggling to make a living.
I got tired of the same self-talk that was running thru my head. I got tired of listening to it. I hit my mental ROCK BOTTOM! (let alone financial, we'll talk about that in another post lol)
I got tired of the same self-talk that was running thru my head. I got tired of listening to it. I hit my mental ROCK BOTTOM! (let alone financial, we'll talk about that in another post lol)
And decided that there had to be something out there that could help me make a change in my life.. And there was. And guess what it was?? It was to change ME!
I needed to change. Change how I thought.
How I talked to myself.
How I thought about every little thing in my life.
Because your thoughts really do affect how your day goes! You can control "you" and your thoughts and reactions.
BUT You can't control other people, their thoughts, beliefs, or reactions.
But by crappy you better bet that you can control how you think and how you react to things.
So what do you do when you are just plain 'ole have a crappy day? How do you change things so that you can get in a better mood? Or a better state of mind? Here are a few things that I have learned to do that has been helping ME change my day from a craptastic one to a day that is more positive.
*Get quiet.. Go somewhere that you can be alone for a few minutes. If that's not possible (like if you have little kids & you can't leave them alone for fear of them killing each other haha) pop some headphones into your ears! (Thank God for earbuds!) Meditate for at least 5 mins. Set your timer on your phone and just sit there in the silence. Ignore the negative thoughts floating around. Observe them but ignore them!! If you can't stand the silence, go to youtube and click on a guided meditation. It will help you I promise. I still to this day listen to them when I just cannot quiet my mind.
*Play "Happy" Music and play it loud... Music really helps get you out of a funk! And guess what my go-to song is for getting in a more positive state of mind "Happy" by Pharrel.. That is the best song, in my opinion, to get you in an awesome mood. I don't care who you are, you cannot tell me that after listening to that song that you aren't in a better mood!!
*Realize you can't control other people's actions... If your mood is a REACTION to someone else's actions or something that have said, realize that you cannot control how other people are!! I need to remind myself of this one sometimes, especially when I'm at work! HA! You can't fix them. You can't stop what comes out of their mouth. You can't change how they think. I know, I know. I wish there was a way that we could send some people to "common sense" school! Or "manners 101".. lol But since there isn't, we have to do our best in these situations to not give in to the urge to knock their block off.. or to go off on them, or open our mouth and say something that we will most def regret later on. I have done this people, I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes its still hard for me not to say something to a certain person at work, who thinks that they are the know all & be all! And for my lovely co-workers who might be reading this post. You know who I'm talking about!
*Say your "gratitudes" out loud. Then always follow up with "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!"
What are "gratitudes?" This is what I like to call my gratitude list. My list of every single thing that I can think of that I am grateful for that day. Write them down. Write "I am so happy & grateful for the breath in my body today" or " I am so happy & grateful for my children and the unconditional love they give me each and every day." If you don't have the time to write them down. Say them out loud. I do both! I have made it a habit to say my gratitudes every single day. I say them on my way to work. This really helps me be grateful for what I do have right NOW! It puts me in a more loving, kind and compassionate mood.
*Get outside... Go for a walk.. Just get out of the house. Get out into nature and all of her glory. Take a moment to just observe the beauty around you. The world is spinning so fast these days. Buildings are replacing the land and blocking off the beautiful skyline unless you live somewhere in the country. There is so much technology these days. It is tempting to just stay in and stay "plugged" up to social media, your phone, etc. Get off of the internet. Get outside and just start walking. DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE! (can you do it?) Just walk. Observe all that nature has to offer you. Remember that our world didn't start off with all of what we have now in it. It used to be just land as far as the eye could see.. Can you imagine living back then? I think in a way I would love to have been born way back then, but in a way, I'm glad I wasn't.. Can you imagine how our ancestors struggled to make a living?? Wow, we've got it made compared to them. I bet there were some pretty grouchy housewives back then. lol.
*Get outside... Go for a walk.. Just get out of the house. Get out into nature and all of her glory. Take a moment to just observe the beauty around you. The world is spinning so fast these days. Buildings are replacing the land and blocking off the beautiful skyline unless you live somewhere in the country. There is so much technology these days. It is tempting to just stay in and stay "plugged" up to social media, your phone, etc. Get off of the internet. Get outside and just start walking. DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE! (can you do it?) Just walk. Observe all that nature has to offer you. Remember that our world didn't start off with all of what we have now in it. It used to be just land as far as the eye could see.. Can you imagine living back then? I think in a way I would love to have been born way back then, but in a way, I'm glad I wasn't.. Can you imagine how our ancestors struggled to make a living?? Wow, we've got it made compared to them. I bet there were some pretty grouchy housewives back then. lol.
*Extra things you can do to change your crappy mood ...
Join like-minded people on Facebook in groups. I am in all kinds of awesome groups on FB
Netflix & Chill
Read a self-help book
Check out some blogs online (there are so many blogs out there about so many things, go visit one)
Watch some funny YouTube videos
Turn the stereo on & dance your ass off around the house
Kiss your babies or significant other or all at the same time!
Smile at a stranger and say hi, just because.. (you never know what being nice to just one person can
do to your mood and how it may positively influence them)
Help someone! Focus on someone else and get out of your head!
Service to others is one of the best things you can do. Give someone a helping hand, even if you don't feel like.. There thanks and smile will warm your heart and make you feel so much better.
Volunteer at a Nursing Home or just volunteer anywhere. When you see someone else that may not have as good of a life as you do, it will make you feel grateful for all that you do have.
But always remember You are Human. You are gonna have crappy days sometimes. But that doesn't mean that you have to stay in that negative mindset. You can change your mood. You can change your thoughts. You just have to be aware of them to begin with. I know that it's easier said than done, believe me, I know..
But you can learn to change the things that you don't like about yourself or your thoughts. Just like I have.. Just take it one step at a time. One day at a time.
I would start with being grateful for what you have now. I know I repeat this constantly, but it bears repeating. You don't realize just by changing that one thing. And by making that one thing a habit, it has really changed my life.. I am a more optimistic and hopeful person now! I am happy.
Do the self-work.. It really is worth it. And I promise you, it will make a difference in every aspect of your life. You are worthy of a wonderful, prosperous, happy life! You just have to KNOW that you are!!!!
But you can learn to change the things that you don't like about yourself or your thoughts. Just like I have.. Just take it one step at a time. One day at a time.
I would start with being grateful for what you have now. I know I repeat this constantly, but it bears repeating. You don't realize just by changing that one thing. And by making that one thing a habit, it has really changed my life.. I am a more optimistic and hopeful person now! I am happy.
Do the self-work.. It really is worth it. And I promise you, it will make a difference in every aspect of your life. You are worthy of a wonderful, prosperous, happy life! You just have to KNOW that you are!!!!
I really hoped you enjoyed this post. If you have any questions or comments feel free to list them below in the comment section. I would love to hear from you. How are some ways that you have found to change your mood from a negative one to a more positive one?? I would love to hear how you do it, if you do it, etc...
As always,
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