Thursday, October 20, 2016
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Product Review: Bamboo Bed Tray from Home It #BedTray
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Moving On After Losing Someone You Love
Hey guys! I hope you all are having a great and prosperous weekend! Today's post are just some of my thoughts.. And just where I am today after the death of my loved one..
Monday, July 11, 2016
Great Giveaway Going On Over At One Of My Favorite Blogs!! Read On For More Info
Hey guys!! There is a great giveaway going on over at one of my favorite blogs.. It' real easy to enter..
They have some awesome things they are giving away this month.. plus on top of that you can check out all there great blog posts!! Especially if you are into being crafting or doing DIY's, then this is def the blog to check out... I love looking at there tutorials and trying to make some of the things they have on there site.
So here is a pic of the item that I entered for... There are more on there site too if you are interested..
The deadline to enter this awesome giveaway is July 17th!! So make sure to click the link and get your entry in.. Go to enter here .. This is a great little two-tray storage box for all your crafty needs.. Store all of your supplies in..
You get extra entries if you share this giveaway thru social media.. So what are you waiting for? Go on over and register to win!!
As Always,
Monday, June 27, 2016
Losing Someone You Love
It has been almost a month since I have felt like posting anything on my blog. As most of you know that I had a death in my family a little over a month ago. And I have been having a hard time here by myself just trying to get back into living life again.. And coming up with blog posts ideas that people would actually want to read.. my creativity has been put on hold.. It's hard to be in a positive mindset and not let my grief over take me.. So this is one way I am trying to heal & go on with my life...
Friday, May 27, 2016
Creating A Vision Board To Manifest Your Dreams
Hey guys! Today's post is all about creating vision boards to manifest your dreams and make them a reality. I have been promising this post for a while now. And it is finally here.
Friday, May 13, 2016
A Cute DIY Project For Making Your Own Dividers For Your Planner
Hey guys! Just a quick & easy DIY for all you #plannerjunkies out there.. This one is a project that I just did for myself for my dayplanner.. I have two or three extra planners laying around that I haven't been using.. And I was going thru my planner box & got inspired to make some new divider pages for my planner.. Just something to pretty it up and make it look cuter than the standard dividers that came with the planner.. As always, I thought I would share with you..
Friday, May 6, 2016
You Are Never Too Old To Start Over
Hey guys! I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.. Today's post is about "Do-Over's".. YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD OR TOO YOUNG TO START OVER.. Wherever you are in your life.. Stop & reflect... Are you happy? Are you at peace with who you are??

I don't know if it's where I am getting older (41) or what it is about this stage in my life, but I have been thinking about LIFE lately.. About my health, my well-being, and just my overall peace within myself..
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
My Review of Art To Frames PinPix 30x20 Bulletin Board #bulletinboard
Hey yall!! It's Amy here with another awesome product review!! This time it's on a 30x20 PinPix Bulletin Board by Arts To Frames (#bulletinboard)!! I am so excited to do this review.. This lil baby came in at just the right time in my life..
Thursday, April 28, 2016
The Law Of Attraction & My Views On It
Hey guys! Hope all is well with everyone that is reading this!! I just wanted to holla @ ya real fast to let you know what I've been up to.. And to find out what you have been doing? How is life going, work, home life, etc??
I have been doing something different in my life lately.. I have been learning all about "the Law of Attraction".. I have watched endless videos, read blog posts, etc.. It is a very interesting concept.. And one that rings true with me.. So I am jumping all in "feet first" to this "new to me" concept..
Friday, April 22, 2016
My Review of "Money For Women" #promotion
*I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I will always, 100% tell the truth about any product that I review.. Whether good or bad.. This is my honest opinion..
Todays post is a review of an awesome book that I was lucky enough to apply for and be approved. "Money for Women" by Tami Yaari.. #promotion. It's more than just a book about money. This book will change the way you look at money.. And will change the way you look at yourself!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Walmart Beauty Box Spring Edition : Unboxing
Yay! My Walmart Beauty Box just came today!! How bout a peek inside what came in mine?? I always love looking to see what other people get in their subscription boxes.. This is the Spring Edition Box.. Very inexpensive subscription box for anyone that might be interested in signing up for their own.. Sooo let's get to it!!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
DIY Planner Stuff
This post is all about DIY your own planner accessories.. I love to find cute things for my planner to make it more appealing to me, so that I will use it more.. Plus it's just fun being part of the #plannercommunity.. There are so many facebook groups, youtube videos, blogs, etc dedicated to planners.. And I for one never get tired of it..
Saturday, March 26, 2016
How to Make Your Own Stickers Using Microsoft Word (DIY)
Today's post is all about making your own stickers (DIY) for your planners or whatever you want to use them for, using Microsoft Word.. This is cool.. I don't know why I never tried to do this before.. But it worked, and it is so super easy to do.. I think you will like it!!
Hey guys!! Just wanted to share with you some cute stickers that I have been making lately for my planner!! I made them using Microsoft Word.. Which was really cool.. I didn't really know what I was doing, until I just started playing around with it.. Testing different things out.. Here are some pics of the stickers that I made and then I will tell you how I did it.. The only thing is, you have to remember they are for personal use only.. Because I grabbed the images off of google (ie; you can't take pics off of google and then make stickers to sell, you will get a copywrite infringement (sp?).. So with that being said.. let's take a look at some of the one's I made for my planner!! #plannerlove #plannerjunkie
Sunday, March 20, 2016
DIY Stickers for Planner Junkies Like Me
Hey guys! Today's post is about stuff I have been doing for my #HappyPlanner.. I just love coming up with ways to make my planner more productive for how I need it.. I have two Happy Planner's.. One that I use for personal/work.. And the other is strictly for my Blog.. Keeping up with my blog is harder work than what I thought it would be.. lol.. But I still love blogging :) It is so awesome meeting new people in the blogging community plus all the people I meet that actually take the time to read my blog.. Anyways, already going off topic..
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
5 Pros & Cons To Working Third Shift (Graveyard)
5 Pro's and Con's to working third shift also known as the GRAVEYARD shift... For some people working third shift is not an option.. But for me it just works.. I am a night owl.. Although I have tried and tried to be a morning person, my inner time clock isn't gonna have it..
I know, I know most people that I deal with on a daily basis cannot stand the thought of having to work third shift.. But for me, I just fit in I guess.. I have never been a morning person.. Even though I have tried many times to make myself a morning person.. It's just not gonna happen. It even ruined a marriage..
Product Review for a Cell Phone Holder Stand #cellphoneholderstand

Hi guys!! I just wanted to share with you an AWESOME item that I got sent for a review.. This thang is the BOMB DOT COM!! And that ain't no lie..
*I was offered this product at a discount in exchange for an honest reviewI am LOVING this cell phone holder stand! This thing is AWESOME.. It let's you be handsfree, which being a blogger is awesome.. I can run my laptop plus my iPhone now at the same time.. I hooked my cell phone holder up to the headboard of my bed.. That way I have my laptop at my fingertips, and my iPhone right beside my head..
Friday, March 11, 2016
Liebster Award
I am so excited to announce that Third Shift Living has been nominated for a Liebster Award..
A Liebster Award is given by the blogging community to recognize and support new bloggers like ME!! I am so honored that Teresa from Mama Tries Blog nominated me.. Her blog is so awesome and I can sooo relate to many of her blog post.. As I read her articles, I can hear her "voice" just as if we are sitting in the same room together talking. One of my favorite posts of hers is "Lazy Guide To Looking Your Best . I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD (lol) while reading this because I could see myself in her writing.. My boyfriend Kirk just glanced at me like I was nutz while reading it.. lol (if he only knew, lol)
Sunday, March 6, 2016
New ELF Items and More
Hey yall! Just wanted to share with you my new Elf items that came in the mail yesterday!!! I love ELF products.. They have an amazing selection of AWESOME beauty products.. I especially love getting there makeup brushes..
Friday, March 4, 2016
My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers
My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers.. Hey guys.. I have been trying to come up with a new routine for me, since I work third shift, to help get and KEEP my house clean and organized!! I am sick of looking at this mess.. And it is TIME to get this under control..
I have let things pile up for way too long.. I hate looking around me or even going into another room of my house, except for my bedroom where it stays somewhat organized.. I can sit here and tell you all day long all of my list of excuses for the shape that my home has gotten into, I know a lot of it has to do with working 12 hour shifts..Most of the time I am so tired after working, that I just want to go straight to the bed and forget everything until time to go back to work.. But all excuses aside.. I am a PROCRASTINATOR!!! As much as I love planners, and the thought of organizing, and time management stuff.. My main hurdle is procrastination.. And I WILL learn to START DOING, instead of just making plans to do.. While I am sitting here making plans, I could have had so much DONE ALREADY!!!.. Have you ever felt like that or been in that situation?
Well, let's get out of this procrastination mode, and get our LIVES and HOMES organized!! Shall we?
Thursday, March 3, 2016
My Review of "The Subtle Beauty (Crowns of the Twelve)" Book 1
*disclaimer; I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review...
Hi guys.. doing something different at Third Shift Living today.. I decided to do a book review for an author that I have never read from before..
Her name is Ann Hunter.. And she has a wonderful ebook at Amazon right now if you would like to check it out.. Here is the link AMAZON.. This ebook is free for kindle.. So go grab it while you can.. I promise you, you will not regret it... My only regret is that I didn't know about it sooner!!!
I am going back to get my copy of "Moonlight" next.. Oh what a magical land I have been in this evening.. Little did I know how that by me opening up that email, that was sent to me for the link to her book, was going to change my whole evening.. Once I started reading this book, I could not STOP!!! When you find books like that, treasure them for they are few and far between!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Free Stickers For My Happy Planner (Links included)
Hey guys! Just wanted to share with you some cute planner stickers that I found.. I printed them out to use in my Happy Planner of course.. I am now the proud owner of two Happy Planners.. One is for personal use.. The other for my Blog..
Here's a few pics of the stickers that I found.. And Thank You Beauty Holics Anonymous for being generous enough to make these for free so that everyone can print them out for their planners.. These are from her blog from last year.. But I actually found them via pinterest.. There are so many creative blogs out there.. And so little time to go thru everything that I want to go thru!!!
Anyways, here are the pics of the stickers that I printed off along with my planner.. And a cute little weekly to do card that I made from scrapbook paper..
Thursday, February 25, 2016
It's Giveaway Time! (Gold Dot Happy Planner & Stickers)
Ok guys! It's finally Here... The Happy Planner that I have been patiently waiting to come so that I can give it to one of YOU!!! It is a beautiful Gold Dot Planner and I have included a packet of Gold Foil Stickers for you to get started decorating it..
This is a product that I bought MYSELF.. I am in no way affiliated with Mambi or Blitzy.. Mambi is the maker of the Happy Planner and Blitzy is the company that I went thru to buy the planner..
So, let's get down to it.. In order to get in on the giveaway you must be subscribed to my blog and "like" my facebook page.. The giveaway will end on Friday 2/26 at midnight eastern standard time..
Here is the link to my facebook page .. While your there you can hit the sign up button and it will bring you back here to my blog to subscribe.. You must comment on my facebook page that you liked and subscribed to my blog in order to be entered in the giveaway!!!
Giveaway Time!! Here are the details..
This is a product that I bought MYSELF.. I am in no way affiliated with Mambi or Blitzy.. Mambi is the maker of the Happy Planner and Blitzy is the company that I went thru to buy the planner..
So, let's get down to it.. In order to get in on the giveaway you must be subscribed to my blog and "like" my facebook page.. The giveaway will end on Friday 2/26 at midnight eastern standard time..
Here is the link to my facebook page .. While your there you can hit the sign up button and it will bring you back here to my blog to subscribe.. You must comment on my facebook page that you liked and subscribed to my blog in order to be entered in the giveaway!!!
Then on Saturday morning after everyone has entered, I will randomly select a number.. Then I will go to my facebook page and if you are the _?_ number person commented, then you will be the winner!! I hope that makes sense to you!!! There will be a pinned post on my facebook page for you to comment that you have liked Third Shift Living and subscribed to the blog...I will announce the winner on Saturday.. Please be sure to keep up with my facebook page.. I will give the winner 48 hours to contact me with their info.. After that if no one has claimed, I will choose another winner!!
Ok guys!! Good Luck!!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Creating A Vision Board
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Hi guys! Today's post is all about creating a vision board.. One of the main reasons that I felt compelled to create a vision board for myself was I have been self doubting myself lately.. Been feeling so unmotivated.. And needing some major self evaluation and focus!! Have you ever felt like that? Just kinda don't really know what direction your life is headed? Or even what direction that you want it to go?
Well that is what inspired me to start making a "VISION BOARD". I have been wanting to take on this project for a while now.. And somehow today just WAS THE DAY!! I really needed this..
Hi guys! Today's post is all about creating a vision board.. One of the main reasons that I felt compelled to create a vision board for myself was I have been self doubting myself lately.. Been feeling so unmotivated.. And needing some major self evaluation and focus!! Have you ever felt like that? Just kinda don't really know what direction your life is headed? Or even what direction that you want it to go?
Well that is what inspired me to start making a "VISION BOARD". I have been wanting to take on this project for a while now.. And somehow today just WAS THE DAY!! I really needed this..
Creating a vision board to help you to live your life with INTENTION.. To actively pursue your goals with INTENTION and FOCUS! To bring CLARITY to your LIFE...To listen to your HEART... And to make your DREAMS a REALITY... Basically "What do you want to do with your life?" or "What do you want OUT of LIFE?"
Friday, February 12, 2016
My Happy Planner and Me Update Giveaway Coming Soon!
My Happy Planner & Me Update: Giveaway Coming Soon!!
Hey guys!! Just wanted to share some news with you today!!I am planning a GIVEAWAY here in the next couple of weeks!!
What am I "giving away" you might ask?? Well I just ordered 2 more "Happy Planners".. And since I cannot possibly use 3 planners at one time...(or can I, lol).. I thought that it would be a great GIVEAWAY item!! I am sure you remember the "Happy Planner" that I am using at the moment.. oh I love it..
Sunday, February 7, 2016
My Attempts at Crochet
Hey guys.. Whew this weekend has flown by! I have been so busy, even though this was my week off from work (I took some paid time off) I feel like I didn't get much at all accomplished.. Although I did get some great family time in. I guess that ALONE was worth it..
Anyways, I was attempting to show my daughter, my youngest how to crochet.. You know stuff like crochet is almost a lost art these days.. I was teaching her how to regular crochet as well as use a loom.. Well she stayed with it for awhile, then it was off to play video games and get online and mess around..Last year I was crocheting constantly.. This year, not so much.. Its like I will get into a hobby and then stop for awhile when something else catches my interest.. I have been told that I am a scanner.. A scanner is someone who has a lot of interests not just one or two and thinks there is something wrong with them.. This is ME to a T!!! I have so many interests.. I will get interested in something, then all of the sudden something else will interest me and I will be off doing the next thing.. If you think that you too might be a scanner, check out this video on youtube.. it will let you know..HERE
" But I have also learned, that a scanner while interested in many things will learn about whatever subject they are interested in at that time, do it until they have learned what they need to, then hop on to another interest just that fast. And all the time, I have been thinking there was something wrong with me.. Why I couldn't stick with one thing.. Why I didn't know what I wanted to "be" when I grow up (still don't).. Well there is a word for people like that and since I am like that and am always looking to learn something new all the time.. I found out I was a scanner in the process.."
Still here I am off topic as usual.. This brings me to the title of this post.. And that is my attempts at crochet.. I love to crochet.. I love to make things with my hands.. I love to make things for around the house.. like decorations, and stuff to wear like scarfs.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Books I'm Reading This Month
Some of the books that I am immersing myself into this month.. needing to get back to basics and back to why I love to write.. The biggest reason that I love to write is mainly because I love to read!! I have always loved to read..
Hey guys.. I thought I would share some of the books I am reading this month... Well trying to get thru them all...
Here the last few months I haven't been reading nearly as much as I would like to.. Working on my blog and social media along with work has really been taking up a lot of my time... And I miss immersing myself in a good book.. Letting it take me away to some far off land in some far off place and time.. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, I learn so much just by reading....
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Yerdle Items Came Today
Hey!! Just wanted to share with you another couple of YERDLE packages I received in the mail.. I didn't even know they were out there, until we opened the front door this morning.. and there they were.. Yay!! I love getting packages in the mail..
I was surprised at how fast my items came.. But here is all that I got for today.. I have more coming.. The only reason I have so many this time, was because I was lucky enough to win 21 free shipping credits.. so that meant, that I only had to pay the service charge of $2 each for everything I ordered.. so each pic that you will see only cost me $2 each..The first items that I got were a Day Planner with brand new pack of refills and a book that looked interesting called "The Cross Centered Life" by C.J Mahaney...
The next items I was very happy to get.. it was a bundle of uniforms for my work.. there are 3 pair of scrub pants and 5 scrub shirts.. very pretty colors.. I hope they end up fitting me ok. if they don't I will just Re-Yerdle them.. anyways here they are
And the last thing I got for today was a thing of Ponds Cold Cream that I was needing anyways.. I love it.. it is a huge bottle.. I am very happy with my items.. Can't wait to get the rest..
All in all it was a great deal..I still have over $100 in Yerdle dollars.. So plenty more shopping I can do.. I have introduced plenty of my friends at work and at home to Yerdle.. And they seem to like it too.. Here is my referral link, if you think you would like to get started Yerdling like me.. You will automatically get $35 yerdle dollars to spend on whatever you like, plus free shipping on your first order.. So, what are you waiting for..
There are plenty of things for everyone on this site.. men, women, children, electronics, hobbies, makeup, home décor, so much to choose from.. and it is constantly being updated every second of the day.. give it a try and see if you like it.. here is the link to get you $35 dollars to start with.. YERDLE $35 dollars make sure to use that link to check out yerdle.. if you don't you will only get $25 dollars to start.. so $35 is better, right? plus free shipping on your first item.. great deal..
I am sure that you will like it.. I love using yerdle.. I am so glad that someone had a link out that I used for the first time.. anyways, it's 7am.. gonna get up and make me a pot of coffee and plan my day out.. crazy sleeping habits when i'm off work!!
Talk to you all later!!!!
Monday, February 1, 2016
Got My Beauty Blender Today
Got a great deal on the Beauty Blender thru the DERMSTORE Got 2 Beauty Blenders plus a thing of cleanser for them for $21 bucks.. Great deal!! It was $40 bucks for the Trio.. So really really Awesome deal!!.....
I have been wanting to try the Beauty Blender for some time now.. I have watched countless videos on YouTube from all the Makeup Guru's that swear by this thing.. Can't wait to give it a try.. I really hope it works like everyone says it does..
I was surprised at how fast they came in the mail.. I just ordered it I think on Thursday or Friday one, I can't remember.. but got it today.. Monday.. That was really fast.. I am so excited to do my makeup tomorrow and see how this thing works.. I have heard some awesome things about the BB and I am ready to give it a try..
We'll see how it turns out, and I will post pics... Hope yall are having a great night out there.. Anyone using the BB right now? How do you like it?
Monday, January 25, 2016
My Wish App Items Came In!
Hey guys just a quick little post to show you some of the things that I have been waiting on thru the Wish App.. I am happy with them..
My makeup brushes came in.. They were supposed to be bigger than what they were, but I still like the one's that I received.. Here is a pic
Then I finally got my MAC POWDER.. Can't believe that I paid $1 each for these.. Here is a pic of them.. I am very happy with them..
And here is my Lipstick Holder.. it holds up to 24 lipsticks.. I love it.. Hope I have enough to fill it up.. but doubt it.. lol..
And last but not least is my Makeup Brush Holder I got for $1 I think.. I can't remember.. Here it is.. I received it like a week ago, but just forgot to post it.. Here is what it looks like
Here is what it looks like without the messy looking brushes.. and excuse my messy bedroom.. I was in a hurry and couldn't wait to posts these
I remember posting about all the things that I ordered thru Wish.. Here is the post if you would like to read it.. It has all the correct prices and links to get the same things if you would like to order them.. I couldn't believe that I got that MAC POWDER for that cheap.. Anyways, here is the link to that post if you would like to go back and read it.. GREAT FINDS ON THE WISH APP .
Just remember anytime that you order thru Wish make sure you read the customer reviews.. All in all I was happy with my products.. It took almost not quite but almost a month to get the very last of it.. My washi tape that I ordered and that butterfly makeup brush holder got here within 2 weeks..
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my lil post for today. I will talk to you guys later.. Gotta start getting ready for work.. xoxo
Sunday, January 24, 2016
My Happy Planner and Me; Starting on This Week's Layout
I just love my Happy Planner.. I have had it since November now.. It is my constant companion.. Whether I am at work or at home, my Happy Planner is by my side..
Hey guys! I hope you are doing well today.. It is a very snowy, cold day here in the mountains of East Tennessee.. I am so glad that I am off work this weekend.. I would have hated the thought of getting out on these icy roads to go to work.. Especially working 3rd shift and having to drive on icy roads in the dark.. Kinda makes it all a little more eerie.. Anyways, today's topic is about my happy planner...
And for anyone that has been reading any of my blog posts at any stage of my blogging.. you have to know that I love planners by now.. lol.. I love the thought of planners.. I love decorating them.. I love finding new ideas for my planner.. but the one thing that I need to stick to.. is to actually use it for time management and my to do lists!! (which are never ending).. I am trying my best to get my life organized.. And working third shift really makes it a battle sometimes.. being a procrastinator doesn't help either.. but oh well.. what can you do???
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
How about some FREE STUFF for Today?
Some free samples/stuff I have found for you for today!! Hope you enjoy.. ;)
Hi guys!! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I have been so busy with work this past weekend, I haven't had much time to do anything.. Except go back and forth to work and come home and crash out.. And I have been dying to get on my blog and put out some posts..Here are a few great finds I have found for you today (and for me.. cuz you know I'm all about thrifty and free!!)
Dove shamp & cond sample HERE
Free Sample Nature's Plus Animal Parade Kid Greenz HERE
U by Kotex.. Hurry on this one they only have the full size tampon sample left HERE
FREE personalized Kleenex Care Pack HERE
FREE NetScout 2016 Calendar HERE *I love getting free calendars in the mail.. there are endless DIY'S that you can do with calendars besides their average use.. I like to use the pictures out of them for scrapbooking, or even to use in my home made planners that I make..
Here is a free offer for a t-shirt from Nerds.. HERE
* you do have to like their facebook page.. they want you to leave your email in the comments, but you can do like I did and opt to email them with FREE T-SHIRT in the subject line.. This will be a cool freebie if and when we get it.. I told them I was gonna link to their page.. So just wanted to let you guys know that.. I know it's an extra step.. but this one might be worth it..
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Unboxing My Walmart Beauty Box Winter Edition
Hey guys! Want to see a peek into the Walmart Beauty Box? Then keep reading for a look inside...#WalmartBeautyBox
Hey yall!! Hope everyone is having a good night tonight.. I finally woke up after working a 12 hour shift.. I wanted to show you what I got in the mail yesterday on my way out the door to work.. It is my Walmart Beauty Box.. This is a seasonal box.. And you only have to pay for the shipping once every season.. It is $5 per season.. I have never signed up for one, but have watched people unboxing there's on YouTube.. So I thought I would try it out...
Monday, January 11, 2016
Cute Little Bow Clip for My Happy Planner
Check out this cute little bow clip I made for my Happy Planner (by MAMBI )
I got this tutorial from Alexis @Miss Trenchcoat's Blog STANGE & CHARMED.. So this is in no way shape or form my design.. All I did was watch her video on YOUTUBE.. Then went to her blog and downloaded the template for the bow...So all rights go to her..
I watch her video's all the time on YouTube and am subscribed to her.. I love everything Planner related.. And she has some awesome tutorials and ideas on how to make your own accessories for your planner.. As well as make your own planner..
I left her a comment on her blog telling her how much I loved her bow clip that she designed and told her that I couldn't wait to make mine and link back to her's.. So here it is..
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Freebie Alert
Freebies that I have found for this week.. thought yall might like some too.. ain't that sweet of me?? lol... I thought so too.. so without further ado.. here are the links.. hurry and get your info sent in.. you know how fast these free samples can go..
Free Always liners here
Free Denver Bronco's Fan Pack here
Free U by Kotex (they only have the tampon sample left)here
Free Subscription to Shape Magazine here
Free Subscription to Family Fun Magazine here
Free Subscription to Family Circle Magazine here
Free Subscription to Martha Stewart Living here
Free Equate Liner Sample here
Free Poise Liner Sample kit here
Free 1 year subscription to Bride's Magazine here
I love getting freebies in the mail and am constantly signing up for all kinds of free samples and things.. So if you are like me and love getting freebies in the mail.. I would make an extra email account just for things like this.. that is what I did.. that way your normal email doesn't get clogged up.. And we all know how long it takes to delete emails.. URGH!!! My inbox is like way too full right now.. and I don't even feel like going and deleting them.. so.. I guess that is all for now.. I have got to get up and get a movin'... love yall... xoxo..
Free Always liners here
Free Denver Bronco's Fan Pack here
Free U by Kotex (they only have the tampon sample left)here
Free Subscription to Shape Magazine here
Free Subscription to Family Fun Magazine here
Free Subscription to Family Circle Magazine here
Free Subscription to Martha Stewart Living here
Free Equate Liner Sample here
Free Poise Liner Sample kit here
Free 1 year subscription to Bride's Magazine here
I love getting freebies in the mail and am constantly signing up for all kinds of free samples and things.. So if you are like me and love getting freebies in the mail.. I would make an extra email account just for things like this.. that is what I did.. that way your normal email doesn't get clogged up.. And we all know how long it takes to delete emails.. URGH!!! My inbox is like way too full right now.. and I don't even feel like going and deleting them.. so.. I guess that is all for now.. I have got to get up and get a movin'... love yall... xoxo..
Friday, January 8, 2016
Some of the Ways I Get Nice Products for Cheap!
Here are some of the ways that I get some of the stuff I use for CHEAP!
Hi guys.. I hope everybody is doing ok today!! It's FRIDAY and i'm OFF work this weekend!! YAY ME!! lol.. Well I got some of my packages that I was expecting in the mail this week and just thought that I would share them with you like I always do..
I love getting ELF products.. They are so affordable and I usually buy one or two things each payday to add to my stash of makeup..
I know everyone has heard of ELF .. They have lots of very nice beauty products and brushes on there site that you can get for a really low price.. I love everything I get through them.. If I don't have a lot to spend on cosmetics and even if I do, I love going to there site and finding all kinds of goodies.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
How To Keep Your Purse Organized
How to keep your purse organized.. And how to easily change your purse in and out fast!
Hi guys.. Today's post is all about organizing your purse.. And what I have been using for a couple of years now to help keep mine organized.. It has helped me keep my essentials within easy reach at all times. No more dumping your purse out to find what you are looking for.
Here is the link to the little organizer that I bought 2 yrs ago.. I bought it on Actually now you can get it for $3.13 and free shipping!! That is a great deal!
Here is the link purse organizer
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