Friday, March 30, 2018

How Writing Down Your Goals Increases The Chances Of You Actually Attaining Them!

Hey guys! Today's post is all about writing down your goals! Why is writing down your goals important? And what difference does it make in your life in the long run whether you write them down or not?? That's the subject of today's post! I hope you enjoy! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

New Blog Coming Soon!

Hey guys! Just wanted to pop on a minute and let you know that I am building a new blog on Wordpress!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How To Break Out Of The Poverty Mindset

Hey guys! This is one topic that I am passionate about. Because I have been there. I have lived with poverty mindset most of my life. But now that I have realized it and am taking steps to get out of it. I am sharing it here with you guys. 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

How To Raise Your Vibrations To Help You To Manifest

Hey guys! I hope you are having a great day! Today's post is some ways to get your vibrations raised fast. And to get you vibrating on a higher level so that you can manifest fast! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Have You Tried Skillshare Yet? If Not, You Really Should!

Hey guys! This is not a usual blog post. This is just a quick little note from me to you talking about all the great things about Skillshare. And how you can get 2 free months!! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

How To Set Your Intention For The Day Using The Law Of Attraction

Hey guys!! Today's post is about how to set your intention for the day using the law of attraction.. I have been setting my intention every day for the last week on how I want my day to go and it has been working! And of course, I wanted to share it with you. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Affirmations That Are Easy For Your Subconscious Mind To Believe

Hey guys! Today's post is all about AFFIRMATIONS! And some easy affirmations that you can adopt into your every day manifesting routine that is easy for your mind to believe, thus making whatever you are wanting to manifest that much faster to obtain!!