Friday, March 2, 2018

Affirmations That Are Easy For Your Subconscious Mind To Believe

Hey guys! Today's post is all about AFFIRMATIONS! And some easy affirmations that you can adopt into your every day manifesting routine that is easy for your mind to believe, thus making whatever you are wanting to manifest that much faster to obtain!! 

Hey guys! I'm so glad that you have come back to check my blog out! Today's post is all about AFFIRMATIONS! What are affirmations??

AFFIRMATIONS are simply just sentences that affirm something to your mind. They are words that we use to encourage ourselves and to help motivate you. You can use affirmations to help change your subconscious mind. 

Why would you want to change your subconscious mind in the first place?? Well, your subconscious mind has a nasty habit of sneaking negative thoughts into your daily life. It tries to keep you in your comfort zone and doesn't like change. It wants you to stay the same all of your life, never trying anything new, and to stay comfortable.. 

Well, I say the hell with that.. How are we to grow spiritually as well as a human if we never change? Yes sometimes change is hard.. But it doesn't have to be.. That is just something that your subconscious mind tells you... 

In order to change our subconscious mind, we can use affirmations.. If you google affirmations it will give you a gazillion and one affirmations that you can use in your daily life.

Some examples of affirmations are (some of these are taken from

All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. 
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
Life is amazing. 
I am abundant in everything I do.
I love my career. 
I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.
Life is easy.
Work is easy.
Money is easy.

I love to use affirmations and am trying to make it a daily habit..  Sometimes though, my subconscious mind likes to pipe in with all of these negative thoughts like "yeah right! That is not true! That can never happen to you!"  

So in order for me to shut that negative voice up in my head, I have figured out to use more affirmations that are specifically worded that is easier for my subconscious mind to believe..

To download your copy of my 25 Easy Affirmations

And here is the biggest example that I can give you, that I have been using every day so far.. And sometimes, 5-6 times a day.. And it is "Things are becoming easier for me!"  That statement is something that is easier for my subconscious mind to believe.. Therefore I can still use it to affirm and I don't have my subconscious mind arguing with me in my head saying that I am full of it!! lol

I think that will help you to get past not believing the affirmations that you are saying daily.. Saying affirmations like that will help you to manifest faster.. Because you BELIEVE IT!! Knowing deep down inside that it is true and it is possible makes it a lot easier to manifest what you want and to manifest faster..

Why are affirmations different than just regular sentences?? Well, when you are affirming something you are using positive emotion behind it.. You are saying it with feeling.. And you are saying it over and over again.. I know it seems weird at first saying these things out loud to yourself, but the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more easily your subconscious mind will believe it..

You are speaking into existence your NEW TRUTH! YOUR NEW STORY.

So start today. Start with something that is easier for you to truly believe.  Something that is not too big of a stretch for your mind to believe.. And I promise you if you keep doing this practice, that it will become easier for you and you will start manifesting what you want.

The next post I am going to talk about setting your intention for the day. And exactly how I have been doing that every day and how it's been working for me..

I hope you enjoyed this post today about affirmations. I would love to hear your thoughts on affirmations and if you use them in your life?? Have they been helping you?? Feel free to leave me a comment below! I would love to connect with you! Come on over to my Facebook Page at Third Shift Living and join the conversation!

As Always,

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