Saturday, March 10, 2018

How To Raise Your Vibrations To Help You To Manifest

Hey guys! I hope you are having a great day! Today's post is some ways to get your vibrations raised fast. And to get you vibrating on a higher level so that you can manifest fast! 

raise vibrations help you manifest

Hey guys! I hope you are having a great day today. I am so excited to be sharing this post with you. 
You guys know if you have been reading this blog for awhile, that I am obsessed with learning how to "intentionally" use the Law of Attraction in my life to manifest what I want! And I love to share what I have learned and what is working for me with YOU! That is the main point of this whole blog.. Is to share what I learn with other people. So maybe I can inspire someone else!

With that being said, let's jump into today's topic. 

In today's post I am going to tell you a few ways that I have learned to get my vibration (or energy) levels up.. Why would I do that? Well, you need your vibrations to be on a higher level so that you can manifest what you want. And manifest it faster. 

First, decide on what it is that you want to manifest into your life. What do you want? What do you desire? What kind of feeling do you want to have? What kind of experience do you want to have?

But before you can manifest anything you have to have your vibrations up.. 

So, how do we go about getting our vibrations up? Or vibrating on a higher level than what we are on?

There are many ways that you can get your energy/vibrations up.. 

Here is a list of some of the things that you can do:

1. Pop over to YouTube and play an energetic song that inspires you to MOVE YOUR BODY!
I do this all of the time.. One of my favorite songs that I use to get myself in a good mood and to get my vibes up is "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. Make a playlist of nothing but high vibe inspirational and motivational songs that get you to get up and move! That put a smile on your face every single time. That causes you to smile as soon as you hear it!

2. Watch a comedy on Netflix. 
 Laughter is one of the fastest ways to get your vibes raised.. And it always does us good to not take the world so seriously all the time. 

3. Smile. 
Smile. This kinda goes with number 2. But even if you aren't watching some kind of comedy, smiling instantly uplifts you.. Puts you in a better mood and automatically makes you more beautiful than you already are!!

4. Write down what you are grateful for. 
You had to know that one was coming if you are a reader of this blog. I think in the past 5-6 blog posts alone, I tell everyone I can about the attitude of gratitude.. lol.. But seriously, practicing gratitude has changed my life in so many ways! And on top of that, being grateful for what you have automatically raises your vibrations to one of the highest levels!

5. Show appreciation to others. 
If someone has been good to you or has done something for you recently without asking for anything in return, show them appreciation. The simple act of appreciating will raise your vibrations. Also, appreciate the beauty around you.. Get out into nature or even just by appreciating some beautiful artwork online will help to raise your vibrations. 

6. Be kind.
Show kindness to a stranger.. In fact, show kindness each and every day. Be compassionate to others. 

7. Affirmations.
If you google affirmations, there are 101 or more that you can find online! lol.. Find some affirmations that you believe in or that speak to you and print them out, hang them up and every day say them out loud! Here is a blog post all about affirmations that you might find helpful too..  25 Affirmations That Are Easy For Your Subconscious Mind To Believe

8. Listen to a recording of you while you are manifesting something already.
This last tip is one that inspired me to write this whole blog posts, to begin with. 

*Recently I have been carrying a handheld recorder with me in my purse just for blog posts ideas. And the other day as I was coming home from a therapy session (which was a really good session and had me feeling great) I decided to manifest something. My vibes were like freakin high and I knew that if I tried to manifest something that it would def happen.. So I decided to manifest a song on the radio... And as soon as I said it, the song came on... I was so excited that I grabbed my recorder out and recorded the whole thing... And by replaying this recording of me manifesting something, it gets my vibes up every time I listen to it...  You can easily record yourself doing this with your cell phone. So when you are manifesting something and it happens, whip out your phone and record it... It really helps lift your mood as well as energy when you play it back to yourself. Especially on those days that you are feeling blah!! *

So out of all these ways to get your vibes up, I think the one that helps me the most, of course, is being grateful and practicing gratitude each day... But doing tip number 8 has been a game changer for me... It really helps to lift my mood and get my vibes up.. Then after I listen to my recording and say my gratitudes, I set my intention... Most of the time I am setting my intention to have a great night at work!! It has worked every single time so far. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this posts. And I hope it has helped you in some way to think about different ways that you can get your vibes up. If you want to manifest things into your life... You have to remember that the LOA is a matcher... It matches the vibrations that you are emitting... So try to get them up before you even try to manifest something that you are wanting... 

If you have any tips for me on how to raise my vibrations... Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear from you and connect with you.. Come on over to my facebook page and hang out.. You can find it  here.

To read more on the Law Of Attraction from this BLOG, check out the following posts...

How to set your intention for the day using the LOA

Getting rid of limiting beliefs

How to shift your mindset when you're having a crappy day

Coming up with a daily routine that you can make into a habit

As always,

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