Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How To Break Out Of The Poverty Mindset

Hey guys! This is one topic that I am passionate about. Because I have been there. I have lived with poverty mindset most of my life. But now that I have realized it and am taking steps to get out of it. I am sharing it here with you guys. 

how to break out of the poverty mindset

Hey guys! Today's post is about how to BREAK OUT of the poverty mindset!! And to realize that abundance is everywhere around us.. We just have to learn to tap into that abundance.. And it all starts with your mindset. And the story you tell yourself everyday! (Your beliefs!)

Boy,  the things I know NOW, I wish I would have learned years ago.  Have you ever had that thought? I have! Especially here lately. After learning and researching the Law of Attraction, it has opened my eyes to all of the things that I have brought into my reality MYSELF! 

The biggest one being poverty mindset. I never knew what that was years ago when I was struggling to raise a family. And working my ass off at all these minimum wage jobs, thinking that if I just work more hours, I will have enough money to pay my bills.. Well, I did have the money to pay my bills, but that was about it.. I always had to stretch the groceries until payday. Stretch the money I had this way and that way to make sure that there would be enough for gas to get back and forth to work etc. 

This is a bullshit way to live. I am so glad that I found the law of attraction and manifesting, and learning about gratitude and everything that I have learned for the last few years.. Because I would have never opened my eyes to the fact that I was the one getting in my own way..

The reason why I was struggling is that I had the poverty mindset... What is the poverty mindset? It's when you won't go into a fancy store because you feel out of place.. It's when you put something back out of your grocery cart because you are afraid that your money will run out by getting that one little thing.. It's by feeling that you have to buy generic all of the freaking time to try to make your dollars stretch.. No that is not being frugal.. that is being cheap and in the poverty mindset... It's called living in LACK!!! 

We were not put on this earth to live in LACK!! God called us all to go forth and be fruitful and multiply..  Fruitful!! Not full of lack and scarcity mindset and scared to death that we are not worthy of a wonderful life..

Well, I am here to tell YOU and to remind myself--- That YOU are WORTH it! You are worthy of a happy, abundant, generous & wonderful life!!!! So get out of that scared mentality.. and start focusing on the positives.. Start by being grateful for what you do have.. 

That first step is the easiest!! Look around you and see that you have so much to be grateful for.. 

I am so sick and tired of being around negative people that are just doing themselves and others more harm than good by complaining all of the time.. It's time to drop those people like hotcakes.. Get away from them! RUN FORREST RUN!

They are not doing you a bit of good. They are not your friends. They have to boost there ego's by complaining, gossiping and being negative all of the time..

Get around some go-getters. Some positive thinkers.. Happy people who are grateful for what they have and KNOW that there is abundance in the universe for all of us to grab!!

The time is now.. It's not in the past and it's not in the future.. It's NOW to get off of your ass and decide that you are going to take back your life.. And you are going to make your life AWESOME!!! Start today. Don't wait until tomorrow.

We have one life to live.. Do not wait until you are on your deathbed and saying I wish I would have done this or I wish I would have done that.. Do it NOW!!! 

So just how do you break out of the poverty mindset???

Well, first you have to realize that you are in it. That is the major thing. 

Then you have to see that you are the one attracting this lack of stuff.  Because the loa is always at work. Whether you are having positive thoughts or negative thoughts. It is always working.

Because you are attracting what you are thinking..  Your feelings or emotions are vibrating. They are giving off these vibrations.. And the universe's job is to match your vibration. So if you are vibrating lack, then that is what you are going to get matched up with!! 

Isn't that an awful thought??? Yeah, I thought so too.. When I first found that out. .I was like o-m-g!!!! Are you serious?? No wonder my life has been one uphill struggle after the other! 

Because I was almost always feeling lack. And the more you focus on what you DON'T have, the more that feeling you are going to get.. 

So let's get the heck out of that vibration ok..

Let's focus on Abundance.. 

How can you focus on abundance when you are working paycheck to paycheck???  I hear you!! I am the same way and in the same boat.. But I have been changing that each and every day.. 

I practice a little thing called GRATITUDE.. And I know I preach about this in every blog post. But guys I am serious!! Just by concentrating on what you DO HAVE you will start to RECEIVE more awesome, wonderful things to be grateful for!!! It's as simple and easy as that.. 

Try it!! If you can make gratitude a daily habit like I have, your whole world will start to change. You will get opportunities that you have never thought you would ever get.. You will start to receive more and more things to be grateful for.. I promise you this.. You will attract more positive, happy people into your life!! 

I now go thru my day knowing that good things are coming to me.. I don't dwell on the crap that I don't have.. I am so grateful for all of the blessings that God/universe/source has given me. It's as easy as writing down what you are grateful for every day.. Saying them outloud.. Vibrating gratitude is a very high vibration. And the universe will match that high vibration.

I will tell you a little something that I did today that turned my sad thoughts to happy ones. I was so sad and down today. Then I decided "No, you are not going to let your sad thoughts ruin your day." 

I went back to one of the last posts that I posted which was this one and I decided you are going to practice what you are telling everyone else, Amy. And so, I read the post and I did exactly what it said to do.. I said out loud "Thank you God for allowing me to be alive another day." And then I wrote down all the things that I was dwelling on or thinking about.. (aka brain dump). I then got out my gratitude journal and I wrote down at least 10 things that I was grateful for. I said them all out loud.  And then started on my to-do list for the day.. 

And as soon as I started saying my "gratitudes" my feeling of sadness went away to be replaced with one of happy and abundant thinking.. We are all abundant. We just have to look for the abundance instead of the lack of!! Stop feeding into the negativity and get your ass on the positive side of things! You are worthy! I am worthy! We are all energy.. Isn't that a wonderful thing to know??

We are all capable of changing our life! We have to be the ones to do it though. No one can do it for you. We have to own our responsibility in how our life is. And if it needs some changes here and there, then it's time to start making those changes. 

I am doing it.. And I know that you can do it too.. I have faith in you!

Start by doing these simple steps:

Ask yourself are you happy with how your life is now? 

Who do you want to be? Is there someone that you respect and wish you could be like? Model them. What are they doing differently than you are doing?? Are they emitting lack or abundance.. Probably abundance if you are wanting to be like them.. 

Meditate and get your mind clear on what it is that you want.

Take a few minutes to visualize yourself in a situation that you want to be in.. See yourself in your visualization too.. Not just what you want.. 

Say your gratitudes out loud and say thank you! This will get your vibrations high to where you can actually attain that which you are wanting! 

You have to KNOW (believe) that what you want is coming to you!!! Thank God/universe/source for that which you want.. 

Take inspired action towards what you want.. If you want to start your own business.. take steps toward it.. If you are not at the place where you can financially start a business yet, well then research it.. Put it out there to the universe.. Act as if you already have it.. Research all the info that you need to help get you started.. Start writing down things that you need to learn.. Skills that you need to learn.

Join a group on facebook of like-minded individuals that are intent on living a positive abundant life.

These are some of the things that I do to get myself out of the poverty mindset..

No, I don't go out here spending money that I don't have and doing without later in the month..

If there is something that I cannot afford at the moment. I try my best not to say, "I can't afford that." I always replace that thought with, "I can afford that, I just don't wish to purchase that at this time."

It's all in the way you word your thoughts.. Your thoughts become words that you use.. Your words then become sentences that you say.. What you say is what you believe!!! So, you have to CHANGE your BELIEFS in order to get out of the poverty mindset..

I promise you that if you continually do your gratitudes, you will start to see results..

And once you start seeing the little things in your life changing, your whole attitude will change. You won't be focusing on what you don't have anymore.. And that will get you out of the scarcity mindset..

You will start to focus on all the wonderful things/experiences that you already have.. And that is when the abundance mindset takes over!!!

Ok guys, I really hoped that you enjoyed this blog post!! I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment down below if you want!!

If you would like to learn more about The Law of Attraction I have all kinds of awesome posts to teach you just what you need to be doing to help manifest the life that you want to live!!

So check out some of these posts and let me know if you have any questions.. I am always here for you!!

How To Raise Your Vibrations To Help You Manifest

How To Set Your Intention For The Day Using The Law Of Attraction

Affirmations That Are Easy For Your Subconscious Mind To Believe

Getting Rid Of Limiting Beliefs

As Always, 


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