Saturday, March 3, 2018

How To Set Your Intention For The Day Using The Law Of Attraction

Hey guys!! Today's post is about how to set your intention for the day using the law of attraction.. I have been setting my intention every day for the last week on how I want my day to go and it has been working! And of course, I wanted to share it with you. 

Hey guys! I hope you are having a great day today. Today I would like to talk to you about setting your intention for the day. 

What do I mean when I say setting your intention?? Well setting your intention just means that you are speaking into reality what you are wanting.. And for this post, my intention that I am talking about is setting my intention that I am going to have a great day/night at work.. 

I have been doing that for the last 5 days that I have had to work.. My intention was to have a good night at work every day. And every day that I had to work I did.. I had a great night!! So "intentionally" using LOA really does work.. 

A little background info before I tell you my routine.. Ok, my boyfriend was kind enough to give me his handheld recorder that he doesn't use anymore.. Seriously love that little thing. Thanks, baby!! 

Anyways, I carry that recorder with me in my purse and when I am driving if I have a good idea for a blog post, I pull it out and just start recording that way I don't FORGET my idea!!

Because you can have a million awesome ideas, but if you don't jot them down or record them in some way, you will lose them or forget them.. And that could have been the one idea that could have made you millions!! You just don't know, ya know.. 

Well, one day I was having a particularly good day. It was early morning and I had just come out of a session with my therapist. And I had had a great session. And so I was in a great mood. She always gets me in a good mood when I go talk to her!! (Thanks, Nicole!)  

I decided as I was driving up the road heading for home that I was going to manifest something while my vibes were vibrating so high!! 

I decided that I was going to manifest another song on the radio! (Mind you, I have done this 2 times before already!!) And as soon as I said aloud and "set my intention," that song came on!!! I mean as soon as the words came out of my mouth!! Coincidence?? I think not! There are no coincidences! 

Anyways, as soon as I realized that I had manifested that fast and that my manifestation had happened, of course, I was all kinds of excited!! I was so happy.. And so right in the middle of me jumping up and down (while driving.. lol) I grabbed my recorder out of my purse and started recording my manifestation!!! 

A couple of days after that had happened, I was just playing back everything that I had recorded so far and that recording came on of me being so excited because I had manifested something!! 

And that excitement that I heard in my voice caused me to get my vibrations up once again just by listening to that recording!! So every day now what I do before setting my intention for the day is I pull out my recorder and I listen to the recording of me manifesting!! I hear the excitement in my voice and it makes me get my vibes up real fast!!! 

So step one of what I do: 1. I listen to that recording. 2. I say aloud what my intention is for the day using present tense words (example: I am so happy and grateful that I am HAVING an awesome day at work. My day is so great! I am having a great day at work!! ) And you say it full of excitement and happiness!! 3. I say my gratitudes. What all I am grateful for that day.. 4. And I say Thank You to God! I say thank you for all the blessings that he gives me each and every day!! 

So here is a routine for you to go by if you want to (if you don't have a recording of yourself manifesting like I do) 

1. Get your vibes up by listening to some awesome music or anything that makes you happy or You can also get your vibes up by saying what all you are grateful for that day and then go to step 2. 

2. State your intention in the present tense out loud!  Do it while you are by yourself of course! Example: I am having a great day at work! I am having an awesome day at work today! Today has been the best day, I am so happy & grateful that I had an awesome day at work! etc,etc

3. If you have already said your gratitudes, skip this step. If not, say what you are grateful for that day that you already have!

4. Say Thank you out loud! By saying thank you, you are already in your mind believing that your intention is set and going to happen!! And you are thanking God/Universe/Source for the blessings that you have in your life and that are coming to you! You are knowing that you are taken care of in every way! And that God has your back and will always provide for you! 

These are just some of the ways that I have been improving my day.. It has really helped me stay in a positive mood. Whether I like it or not, right now I have to work outside the home. 

Because like all of you guys, I have bills to pay! And it sure makes the night go better for me if I have set my intention that I am going to have a great night at work. Because sometimes if I forget to set my intention, work can get a little cray cray! And sometimes I wish that I was anywhere but there. But since I have to be there, for now, I want to have the best day possible.. 

You can use this routine for anything.. It doesn't have to be for work.. You can set your intention when you wake up that you are going to have a great day just in general.. The sky is the limit when it comes to manifesting! I have just found that this works for me.. And especially when I need to get my vibrations up real fast using that exercise that I told you about really helps me to manifest what I need faster! I am going to start using it for other things too.. 

And in my next post, I am going to talk more about what you can do to get your vibrations up to help you manifest and to help you manifest what you want faster! 

I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear your thoughts on it.. How do you get your vibrations up? Do you use the LOA intentionally?? And if so, what are some things that you have manifested lately??

Here are some more posts you might like about the Law of Attraction. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

How I have been using the Law of Attraction

Getting Rid Of Limiting Beliefs

How To Use Scripting To Manifest What You Want

Affirmations That Are Easy For Your Subconscious Mind To Believe

As always,

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